Bestsellers Gift Bundle

Looking for a gift bundle? After 10 years of chocolate making, we know what the people want and we're put...

The Ultimate Collection

A decade of bean-to-bar chocolate love, sweat and tears, poured into one Ultimate Chocolarder Collection. Not only are you getting a...

Cotton Gift Bag

The perfect way to send a gift of chocolate to any loved one! These ethically sourced organic cotton bags are...

Seasonal Box – Monthly to your door

January Subscription Honey butter, a comforting flavour synonymous with traditional cooking and comfort food, finally gets a chocolatey twist. Our seasonal...

Seasonal Box – Gift Subscription

January Subscription Honey butter, a comforting flavour synonymous with traditional cooking and comfort food, finally gets a chocolatey twist. Our seasonal...


Sail Shipped Cocoa Beans from Colombia

Photo: A chocolate bar with zero carbon footprint. We’re pretty excited about this one. We have sail shipped cocoa beans before...